Graded card

Welcome to

Hello and welcome to my little webshop!

My name is Daniel and I am the owner of It is my pleasure that you have ended up on my webshop. It's no secret that we are a small shop, but with a big heart. Customer service, good prices and a real passion for what we do are our most important values ​​and we hope that we also reflect that.

I have worked with professional football all my life, which is also what gave rise to my hobby of collecting football cards. The idea for a football card webshop came after I myself needed a place where the prices were top, the stock status was correct and you could count on good treatment. These are therefore some of the points I hope you will experience that we live up to! Should that not be the case, please send us a message!

I therefore set sail in the autumn of 2022 to establish my webshop and see if it was something there was interest in - we are writing the rest of the story, but we are extremely humble and grateful for the first course with you all!

I hope you find what you are looking for for the perfect gift for the football lover, for those who miss a little nostalgia from the crowning days of their favorite team or for those who want to invest in football cards as a collectible. Football cards can be used for many things and can be very important, so we hope you find what suits you.

Thanks again for your visit
- Daniel Lauridsen, owner of

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Vil du sælge dine kort?

 Ønsker du at sælge dine kort opkøber vi desværre ikke flere kort lige nu. Vi anbefaler dog at man forsøger sig i diverse fodboldkortgrupper på Facebooke. Her anbefaler vi siden "Fodboldkort Danmark", som er en fantastisk gruppe til at både købe og sælge kort.

I have a question! Contact us here: